Sunday, January 25, 2009

Neurons communication

Neurons are part of the nervous system. They consist of multiple parts including the cell body, nucleus, dendrites, axon, nissal bodies, synaptic bulbs, and nodes of ranvier. Some are covered with a mylinated sheath and some are not. Mylinated sheaths are a covering of the axon that help speed up the process of sodium ions flowing from the axon hillock thru the axon to the synaptic bulbs. At the synaptic bulbs sodium ions open channels in the lipid bilayer and allow calcium ions to come in. The calcium ions cause the vesicles to release the Neuro Transmitter they carry and if the next neuron in line accepts that NT then sodium ions begin to enter the next neuron and when enough sodium ions are inside the cytoplasm then the voltage regulated channel in the axon hillock will open and send the sodium down to the axon to that neurons synaptic bulbs. This is a simplified version of how this works and normally there are multiple neuro transmitters that are required to open enough sodium channels to reach the proper voltage regulated threshold to open the flood gates of the axon hillock. The only only case where one NT causes this to happen is Ach ( Acetylcholine).

I find this amazing that so much stuff happens for you to just feel a pin prick or stepping on something. All this has to happen in the blink of an eye and travel from wherever you are hurt or if your hungery or any sensation and you register it immediately.